Scenes from Summer ’12

As my last day of school was approaching in May, I envisioned myself spending my summer with Caleb while surrounded by my clean, organized apartment. He was playing happily on the floor, while I worked on curricula and tried out new Pinterest recipes. Well, it wasn’t quite like that idyllic scene, but it was still a blast. And, ironically, one of my summer goals was to become more adept with blogging and html coding, but I failed there, which has caused me to put blogging off altogether. So, instead of trying to regale you with a detailed account of all my comings and going, I’m going to attempt a quick, more doable, pictorial journey of June, July, and the beginnings of August.

  • We got a used (but, new to us), van the last week of May. I have always sneered at the van-driving mama. No more. Efficiency prevails, and I am happy to have a roomy vehicle with a few more amenities. Plus, I can do some serious garage-sailing now.

    Caleb and I checking out the driver’s seat of our new ride.

    Yes, our first stop was Burger King for a veggie burger!

  • The school year came to a close, and that week was followed by some Memorial Day fun and extra time with the hubby since he had a short break.
  • Caleb turned four months old!

    Happy four months to sweet Caleb!

  • Next up was VBS. Caleb and I were gone from 9-12 everyday. Boy, did he nap well when he got home!

    A tuckered little boy

  • Millie went to her annual vet appointment, and she was sick for days afterward. Thankfully, she got better after four days. Now, I am suspicious of future vaccinations for my poor pup.

    Millie needed a little extra TLC.

  • In mid-June, I went to NC for seven days. I got to see family, friends, and Josh got in some much-needed study time while Caleb and I were gone. I must also add that Caleb had the most fabulous time with his nana and papa. He definitely needs them closer!

    Getting ready to board the plane for Caleb’s first flight.

  • That visit to NC was followed by a week of miscellany: a podiatrist visit gone very wrong, a dermatologist appointment gone very well, a few birthday celebrations, and an AP recognition event.
  • Caleb really began to giggle and enjoy playing games.
  • We went hiking for the first time with Caleb.

    Caleb is ready to get this hiking started!

    Hiking proved to be an activity that all four of us can enjoy.

  • We enjoyed an all-American fourth of July with Josh’s family.

    “This parade is alright, but what I really want is this flag.”

  • Caleb turned five months old!
  • I attended a technology professional development which taught me nothing new (maybe more on that later), but, hey, I earned some continuing education credits.
  • Caleb started to consistently eat solids 1-2 times a day at five months.

    Pondering his pea/sweet potato combo.

  • Next up was my and Josh’s four-year anniversary! With our little man’s early bed time, it was hard to get a night out together, but we managed to stuff our faces and enjoy a couple hours of romantic bliss at The Cheesecake Factory. We’ve also made a commitment to find a closer babysitter for those late nights (Oh, the lessons we’ve learned this year!).
  • I helped coach a basketball camp for 3rd-6th graders out our church, and I was reminded how much I love that age group.
  • Now, let’s revisit that idyllic scene of me cooking and working on projects throughout the summer. Well, I did, in fact succeed in completing a few (very small) projects (see pictures below). I also integrated some new recipes into my rotation. Successful recipes not mentioned below are sweet, summer roasted vegetables; homemade salsa; strawberry-lemonade layer cake; and crock pot santa fe chicken.

    I decided to make use of the space under the piano by painting some crates and stacking them together.

    Our knife block was rather drab, so I painted it red. It’s bright and makes me happy 🙂

    I finally got around to trying these Oreo-stuffed, chocolate-chip cookies. I’ll be candid; they weren’t worth the trouble and were a little dry.

    They did, however, pair nicely with a cup of coffee.

    Summer means zucchini, which means tasty whole-wheat zucchini bread.

  • We spent July 23-30 on our first family vacation/road trip together. Our destination was Savannah, Georgia, where we attended a Christian ophthalmology conference for three days. But along the way, we stopped in Lexington, Charlotte (where we got to see Nana and Papa again!), Greenville (where I got to see a couple good friends), and then Knoxville. There were moments of stress while trying to keep our five-month-old happy in hotels and long car rides, but we did it, and we made lasting memories.

    While on this vacation, Caleb enjoyed his first trip to the beach.

  • At the beginning of July, Josh had a day off where we went hiking, ate at Chick-fil-a, and went grocery shopping together. I know this seems trivial to some, but for this med student’s wife, it was a big deal! Well, while I was in the grocery store, he stayed in the car with Caleb and decided to call into a radio show and answer a question. The result: He won some combo meals from Chick-fil-a AND two tickets to Holiday World. We cashed in on those Holiday World tickets the same day that everyone went out to support Chick-fil-a (I remember since we made it a point to have chicken for lunch), and, boy, did we have a blast! It was the first time that we had spent an entire day alone together since Caleb’s birth. I missed my little baby, but that couple time was needed and appreciated.
  • And, last, Caleb started saying “mama,” and it just keeps melting my heart over and over.

A week after going to Holiday World, I started another school year and Caleb turned six months old. This summer went by faster than any other summer I remember. Older people always told me this would happen. It’s okay though; those fleeting moments are also the most precious. May I always remember my happy summer of ’12.

Happy six months, Caleb!


  1. Mrs. Paschall! What a great summer 😀 I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. I wish the best to you and your family!

  2. Loved reading of your adventurous summer and looking at your photos. Caleb gets cuter with every photo I see!

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